New Client Intake/Enrollment Requirements
Before enrolling in an approved Batterers Intervention Program, the client must provide a written referral, minute order, or copy of probation terms from a court, Probation Department, or other agency and this written document must state the minimum number of sessions required for completion.
At that Intake and Assessment interview, the client must:
1. Enter into a written agreement with the program provider. The agreement shall outline the content and curriculum of the program, the attendance requirements, and the requirement to attend group sessions free of chemical influence. The agreement shall also inform the client that they may be removed from the program if it is determined that the client is not benefiting from the program or is disruptive to the program, and that they shall be held accountable for acts or threats of domestic violence.
2. Sign a confidentiality statement prohibiting disclosure of any information obtained through participating in the Batterers Intervention Program or during group sessions regarding other
participants in the program.
3. Provide proof of identity, in the form of a driver's license or other acceptable photo identification.
4. Provide proof of monthly or yearly income and complete a financial assessment.
5. Provide all relevant information regarding their criminal history, violent behavior, and mental status. Any relevant medical, social, economic, family, educational, vocational, psychological
and/or cultural history should also be noted.
6. Complete a drug and alcohol use/abuse history and, if indicated, receive a referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling.
The program provider shall not discriminate against any client based on race, gender, age, income, physical disability, religion, education, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, etc. Reasons for rejection may include psychological pathology or high lethality risk, but cannot include the client's inability to pay the program provider for the sessions. Whenever possible, the program provider should recommend an appropriate alternative program. The court or referring agency shall then either re-calendar the case for a hearing or refer the client to an appropriate approved Batterers Intervention Program. Pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.097(a)(6), should no Batterers Intervention Program prove suitable, the court may then order the client to attend another appropriate type of counseling program with the same attendance requirements.